This is another painting for my Florida series. I love doing sunsets, especially the ones that have almost ended. The colors are so much fun. Very few values but lots of changes of temperature throughout the sky and land. This is from a study I did years ago on my way through Jacksonville. My Macbook died officially last night, we are very sad, and now I can only refer to my drawings. I"ll take a picture of one of the pages out of my sketch book so you can see what it is like.
I did this on a gesso panel, as you can see from the first image I layered lots of color with a knife, never used a brush for the first notes. This makes it more challenging because the paint just slides around, but when you get it it gives a wonderful result. Basically all the passages are "accidents", the trick is to now which ones are the keepers. There is no second chances when you have some much paint! Forgive my photo skills. It is raining today so I can't take pictures outside. This is just on the easel, not a lot of light. I will post the final image on my website with the prices when ready.
Oil on gesso panel, 8 x 6.